Shops World

What is it

The shops world is a place where players can sell items to other players in exchange for other items (usually diamonds).

Where is it

It is in its own world so it doesn’t interfere with the main world.

How do I get there

Go to /spawn and right click the warp sign that says shop

What is the currency

We don’t use a digital currency on the server, everything is item-based. The default currency of all shops being diamonds. However you do not need to use diamonds in your shop, simply use a barter shop instead of a sell shop.

How do I get a plot

Go to any open plot and right click the sign while holding at least 25 diamonds.
Note: If no plots are available message the admins on discord or /helpop and we will make more available.

How do I make a shop

To make a shop simply place a barrel that will contain your stock, then place a sign on it and type in this formatting:

Selling Shop
[shop] ← The Header
1 ← How many you are selling
1 ← How much you are charging
sell ← The Footer

Then click the sign with the item you are selling.

Buying Shop
[shop] ← The Header
1 ← How many you are buying
1 ← How much you are paying
buy ← The Footer

Then click the sign with the item you are buying.

Bartering Shop
[shop] ← The Header
1 ← How many you are selling
1 ← How much you are buying
barter ← The Footer

Then click the sign with the item you are selling, then the item you are buying.

If you are still having trouble, try following this video from the creator of our shop plugin: